
What Makes Us Different?

Mortgage and Lending with National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro



There are a lot of credit repair companies out there. Each one claims it can fix your credit and win you the ability to make big purchases. But what exactly are these companies doing? What are they manipulating, who are they talking to, and how does this help you? A good credit repair company can provide you with the tools to take back your freedom. A bad one can actually hurt you. To make an informed decision, it’s important to understand what’s going on.


It all begins with FICO. FICO is the leading provider of consumer credit scores in the United States. If you’ve ever made a big purchase, you’ve probably had to get a score from FICO or a similar service. This collects information about your financial history. FICO compares your answers to the answers of the millions of consumers they’ve studied. Using a complicated algorithmic model based on the test subjects’ finances, FICO calculates your financial “risk factor.” A single bad piece of evidence can disrupt the equation so badly that it can ruin you credit for years.


So what can we do about it? There are right ways and wrong ways. One such wrong way is adding yourself as an authorized user to another account. Many credit fixers will suggest this, because it used to help you “inherit” the credit history of the new account. Rules have changed, however, and FICO now penalizes consumers for being authorized users. A reputable credit repair company is always staying up to date with changes in credit score algorithms. If you hear a company mention “authorized user,” you can be sure that it isn’t!


Today, the most helpful approach to improving credit is by challenging claims. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, all information in your credit file must be fully accurate and verifiable. But the truth is, most creditors keep sloppy records, and as a result up to 80% of credit reports in the United States contain inaccuracies or unverifiable details. If you challenge them on negative claims, the companies will often remove that information, and your score will rise.


Here at National Credit Fixers, we challenge your credit information in three ways. We send dispute letters to the credit bureau, such as FICO. We also send 623 letters to the original creditors. Finally, we send validation letters to the collection agency. These aren’t just form letters with your name attached; these are personalized letters suited to fit your specific needs. This makes it easy to find mistakes and remove them from your record.


So if you find yourself unable to make the kinds of purchases you’d like, check us out. We know the right way to do things, and we’re not afraid to do it.

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Toll Free: 888-NCFIXER (623-4937)
Toll Free Fax: 888-FAX-4020 (329-4020)
Local: 860-282-6181
281 Hartford Turnpike Ste 500

Vernon CT 06066

credit repair company

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Bob Haywood
McGraw Realtors - Owasso, OK

It would be helpful to know what you charge and if you have special rebates or pricing for working with Realtors.

Aug 17, 2015 09:25 AM
Matt Liistro
National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro - Bridgeport, AL
Your Credit Repair Expert

I at one point tried to offer a $50 rebate to realtors and loan officers - I later tried to do $100.  Here is what I found out.  First, we were simply increasing our rates in order to pay the referring agent.  Second, our referral partners really did not care about $50 - what they cared about was getting the big ticket commission at the end of the repair - and of course teating their clients well and doing a good job.  Most of our business comes from referrals.  I would love to work with you!




Aug 17, 2015 10:54 AM
Bob Haywood
McGraw Realtors - Owasso, OK

Thank you for the answer Matt!  I appreciate your response!

Aug 17, 2015 10:57 AM
Tammy Lankford,
Lane Realty Eatonton, GA Lake Sinclair, Milledgeville, 706-485-9668 - Eatonton, GA
Broker GA Lake Sinclair/Eatonton/Milledgeville

I though FICO was software that the credit companies  Experian, Trans Union and Equifax used to compute a score.  I had no idea FICO offered consumer credit reports.

Aug 17, 2015 12:25 PM
Matt Liistro
National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro - Bridgeport, AL
Your Credit Repair Expert

Hi Tammy:


Good eye - that was a type - I just substituted the word score for report.  You are correct FICO does not do reports - they do scores!




Aug 18, 2015 12:25 PM