Are You Growth Focused? Inspiration Series
Are You Growth Focused? Inspiration Series
I heard a great quote the other day by a leading professional coach/mentor, Christian Simpson. I was on a coaching call with him when he said, "There is no growth in your comfort zone." How very true this statement is!
As a former Biology teacher one of the first lessons I taught my students was regarding growth. For a living thing to be considered "living", it has to be growing. When the growth stops, the organism dies.
As people, why do many of us believe that we no longer need to grow? Personal, emotional, spiritual, business and interpersonal growth is essential if we are to get out of that comfort zone and continue in a growth zone. Stagnation stinks and is ugly.
As I listened to John Maxwell last week, he spoke on what he has observed in growing older. No mind you he is no spring chicken at the age of 68, yet he is choosing to not BE old. He pointed out the distinct differences between people growing older and those who choose to"BE" old. Big difference!
Old people he said: (those who choose to be OLD)
- Stop asking questions, stop learning & lose their curiosity.
- Lose interest in life.
- Lower their standards.
- Self-absorbed by health, medications, etc.
- Talk about yesterday. They focus on where they are rather than experiencing where they could be.
We are all growing older. That is a fact. This fact doesn't mean however, that we still can't learn new things, keep our minds sharp and make a difference in this world.
I am choosing the path of continuous challenge, learning and growth. God gifted each one of us with unlimited potential. Don't allow your potential to be lost because you think you don't have anything of value to give. Choose to grow today, tomorrow and the next day!
"Have you fully LIVED today?"
Learning How to Think Successfully
"Have you fully lived today?"
Paula L. McDonald ~ REALTOR®
Broker ~ The Woodlands, Texas
936-203-0279 Direct
Selling The Woodlands real estate and surrounding areas!
Copyright 2015 Paula McDonald