This link has the current inventory of homes for sale in the City of Williamsburg, Va for September 10, 2015.
Virginia is a commonwealth and the city of Williamsburg is separate from the surrounding counties. The real estate taxes in the city are lower than they are in York County and James City County which makes Williamsburg a desirable place to live.
As of September 10, 2015 there are 87 residential listings, 29 are condos or town homes and 58 are single family detached homes.
The lowest priced home in the City of Williamsburg is listed at $100,000. It has 814 square feet and was built in 1963.
The highest price home in the city of Williamsburg is listed at $2,200,000. It has 5400 square feet and was build in 1930.
For more information about homes for sale in the City of Williamsburg, contact Sybil Campbell at 757-876-0140 or by email