Sometimes We Can Take Going to the Beach for Granted.
Sweet Kathy Streib caught my Facebook status update about raising awareness for wheelchair accessable beaches. I posted a picture of a sidewalk for wheelchairs going all the way down to the oceans edge in the beach sand. Beach sand is what stops my grown daughter from putting her toes in the water. She's in a wheelchair as the result of having Muscular Dystrophy but still wants to enjoy one of South Floridas greatest gifts! I thought maybe I could promote this getting around our wonderful Active Rain Community. I've seen some amazing things happen here!!
Sometimes We Can Take Going to the Beach For Granted.
If you are familiar with my posts, then you know how much I love the beach. Being able to walk by it on the sidewalk; sitting in a chair and listening to the beautiful sound of the waves as they pay their short visit to the shore; and walking along the shoreline, looking for small treasures from the sea to add to my shell collection… are my daily vitamin pill.
But, what if something as easy as going to the beach was something you could no longer do?
Yesterday, I read a Facebook post from Terri Poehler asking us to share a photo of a special path along the beach that is wheelchair accessible. Terri’s daughter, Sarah, has Muscular Dystrophy and can no longer enjoy the beach as she once had. (I called Terri to get her permission to share this)
I shared the photo and just for grins, decided to tag the Delray Beach Parks and Recreation Department.
Lo and behold, they commented on my post with some good news… Delray Beach has 2 chairs to meet their needs at the Lifeguard station at A1A and Atlantic, and 1 at Atlantic Dunes Park. This is one of the chairs.
The best part is that there are plans to build a ramp similar to the one Terri shared in her Facebook post.
If you know of someone who needs assistance at the beach, there are companies that design and sell beach wheelchairs.
If you are in a beach area how about suggesting these chairs or the special paths to your community!
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