It is a foggy morning, as the small 1959 Peugeot convertible, Model 403 heads down the streets of Los Angeles. It is Lt. Columbo, in his old raincoat drving his classic but not so mint show room condition car. If you are a new real estate investor, you need to take a few lessons for the old TV classic Columbo. This character made an art out of seeing and finding things that other did not see! As a real estate investor you need to have that same sixth sense!
It is the typical day. The sun comes up and it is the start of a new day. We often hit the snooze alarm for just five more minutes. However, do you realize you could be letting valuable time slip by? I know, I know, we are all so busy with everything we have going from day to day. When I worked in downtown Chicago, it was just such a rush no matter where you went. I laugh when people at lunch use to say they do not like fast food because it was not fast enough. They wanted faster food!
People today are in such a hurry and often we need to slow down and have a plan. A plan for the day, week, month year and life in general. In real estate we never have enough hours in the day and how we use those hours can be a fine line between success and failure.
When I was young I really enjoyed tv and in those days we had all of 3 networks ABC, NBC and CBS and in Chicago we had WGN. I believe one of my childhood shows I enjoyed was Columbo played by Peter Falk. He appeared to be a bumbling detective, disorganized and absent minded, however this is the farthest thing from the truth. He was brilliant, did not miss a thing, and really paid attention to every detail. He was a master at throwing out the occasion comment and catching people off guard to catch them in a lie and prove his theories.
In real estate, I believe Columbo would have been a very successful real estate investor . One More thing!, says the brilliant but unsuspecting detective, Lt. Columbo.
Here are the Top 10 Columbo Principles to make you a better real estate investor!
1. PERSEVERANCE: Columbo would not quit, he kept making inquiries and offers.
2. FOLLOW EVERY LEAD: Columbo would follow every lead because in real estate you never know where it could lead and it just might be your next deal.
3. FLYING UNDER THE RADAR: Most people did not suspect Columbo abilities and he was seen as pretty likable. In real estate sellers, would like Columbo have tea with him and often give him the information he needed.
4. SEE WHAT OTHERS MISS #1: Columbo never missed a thing. When he looked at real estate he saw a two bedroom one bath home and knew the potential that it could be a three bedroom one bath home which would have more value and appeal to buyers.
5. SEE WHAT OTHERS MISS # 2: Columbo would look through pictures of a home and see old furniture of a well cared for home. Or pieces of old furniture through-out. To this detective he knew this could be an estate or probate sale and the home could be owned free and clear with motivated heirs.
6. SEE WHAT OTHERS MISS # 3: Columbo would see the old dated bathroom with the pink, blue, green or yellow toilet sink tub and he knew this
could be an estate or probate sale and the home could be owned free and clear with motivated heirs.
7. ITS ALL ABOUT THE CAR: Columbo would pull up in the old car and appear to be just another neighbor. When dealing with for sale by owners, do not appear too seasoned and too wealthy.
8. LIKEABILITY: Columbo would be likeable and always relate to the seller and the seller always makes deals with people they like.
9. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS: Columbo would watch the actions of the sellers and often know if they were telling the truth
10. LISTEN: Columbo would be a good listener and gather all the facts and could easily determine why people were selling their home and what their motivation might be.
Like the old saying, never judge a book by its cover. You can be a successful real estate investor if you are willing to persevere! Do not give up, do not quit. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. You will succeed and you are learning more each and every day. Go out there and make it happen. Do not forget to always ask every seller and every member of your power team, JUST ONE MORE THING.
Good luck. Go makeita great day! Believe and Achieve! - Joe Jurek