People outside of real estate think that being a real estate agent or real estate broker is a piece of cake and money just flows in. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Let’s uncover and present to the world 5 brutal truths about being a Real Estate Pro:
Being a Real Estate Agent or Broker is expensive
You need to look polished and professional and you need to have a sound infrastructure in place to keep your business running. It all costs money. Even in lean times, you need to spend money.
Being sick or on vacation still means you’re working
You continue working even if you are running fever or go on a beach getaway. Your clients expect you to show up for their showings and perform at your best. Not responding or showing up can cost you lost business. See Truth #1.
You and your phone are inseparable
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you and your mobile phone will always be together. Your phone is your best friend and worst enemy. There will be lots of calls, text messages and emails that you need to address – lots of them right away. If you want to become known for being responsive, you’ll be using your phone 24/7 to the chagrin of your family and friends.
You conduct countless showings
You have done many, many showings. Some of them were great and a few of them - not so much. There are many things that can go wrong before, during and after a showing: no lockbox, an aggressive and unexpected pet, creepy house vibes, clients that run fashionably late. Or even worse: you’re running late due to back-to-back appointments and heavy traffic.
Some problems can cost lots of money and can’t fixed by apologizing
There was at least one time in your professional life when you made a mistake that ended up costing you a lot of money. An apology didn’t make the cut and you had to pay up to address the issue. It hurt but was necessary.
Real estate business is not for the weak. Be confident and strong. Stay ahead of your competition. Establish yourself as a hyper-local agent in your area and real estate expert online and off. Be ready for surprises – good and bad. Above all, enjoy what you do or burnout is imminent.
What other truths have we missed? Share in the comments below.
Want to hear brutal and inspiring truths from shrewd business people? Check out the 25 page eBook with quotes from Shark Tank stars.