Upon walking into a home color plays a role to set the tone of the experience. Certainly if the color is bright in a room there is almost certainly a comment. Color is certainly a personal preference like a perfume. A "naked" color beige, white, taupe certainly can be a safe pallete when showing your home to prospective buyers.
As in new home builds the pallet is often neutral and the staging is where the color is brought in a vase, picture, flowers, and accessories show very well. Certainly in the Parker New Home Builds this safe pallete stays true to form as they shy away from grand color themes to appeal to the masses.
Margaret Eby from Realtor website goes into further depth of color trends. So many things can influence the trend of a color war, depression, economic woes and more. If you plan on living in your home and you want a aubergine room, that is the wonderful thing about owning you can have your aubergine room.
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