
Your decisions today will impact your future tomorrow!

Education & Training

Election Day is coming and the voters control the future and the destiny of who we choose as a nation to become the next President of the United States. I believe everyone has a voice and can be heard through making our vote. You also have a choice when it comes to your own destiny. You may be tired of your situation at your 9 to 5 job.  You work hard want something more but maybe feel trapped that your current situation is not giving you the opportunities you so crave. 

You have a vote of what you choose to do each day. How to spend your time outside of work.  What career or job you want to pursue. If you do not like your current situation, vote to do something different like real estate investing. With real estate you can control your own destiny. You make decisions that impact your life for betteror worse.  The better prepared you are, the more knowledge you have, the better Power Team you have in place, the better decisions you can make.  Your decisions today will impact your future tomorrow.

I often hear people that are unhappy with their current situation however they do nothing to choose to make a difference in their job, career or life. Remember you always control your destiny from the decisions you make. One decisions such as becoming a real estate investor can change your life and your family's life for generations. So go make it happen!  Albert Einstein stated "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  I wonder if Einstein thought of the entreprenuer that goes to a job everyday but wants more out of life?  

Are you ready to fight for your future? Are you ready to change your destiny? Today is the day where you can take a new direction with your real estate business. Go makeita gre at  day.  You hold the power to electt o do something different in life, toc hange your life and now the rest is up to you!  Believe and Achieve! - Joe

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Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

This is good advice for all of us. We begin a new season this week and it is a very good time for a fresh perspective.

Sep 21, 2015 11:00 PM
Joe Jurek
Orlando, FL
Real Estate Investor

Hey Roy, thanks for the feedback.  That is a great way to look at it as we begin the Fall season, if we work hard and make good offers maybe a deal might get accepted as we spring into the Fall season.  Have a great day. Believe and Achieve! :) - Joe

Sep 22, 2015 03:48 AM
Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Welcome to ActiveRain Joe Jurek .

Yes, what we decide today will have a major impact on tomorrow - be it election or any other decision of our life.

Great thought.

Sep 24, 2015 03:46 PM
Joe Jurek
Orlando, FL
Real Estate Investor

Hello Praful, thank you for the welcome to AR.  Have a great day.  Believe and Achieve! :) - Joe

Sep 24, 2015 09:08 PM