Saturday was one of my “less than glorious days” on a bike. While riding out in Dayton on a county road, a pack of dogs came out of a yard after us. The lead dog jumped into my bike, causing me to flip end over end. My bike was totally mangled, and I sustained some pretty good cuts and bruises that will keep me out of training for a week or two. Nothing too serious, and hopefully not too much of a setback for my next Ironman race which is in November.
Last night my 8-year old daughter Phoebe asked “daddy are you training tomorrow?”. I told her “not yet, doctor says I have to rest a few weeks”. She said, “I don’t think your doctor knows how hard you’re supposed to train”. The whole family burst out laughing. Phoebe teared up and said “it’s not funny, how is dad going to win if he can’t train”. This caused more laughter from the rest of the kids. Being the sap of the family I couldn’t help but tear up a little myself as I realized that my little girl cares as much about my success as I do.
While putting Phoebe to bed I told her that winning isn’t everything. I told her that I just wanted to do my best and that’s all that mom, the rest of the kids, and God really care about. She replied “but dad, if we do our best we cannot lose because God loves us”.
As I consider the message of my 8-year old I can’t help but think of all the amazing people I work with on a daily basis. I hope that each of you recognize and make every effort to surround yourself with positive minded people. People that believe in you and who encourage you to fight for your dreams. This business of Real Estate is lonelier than most realize. For that reason it’s of the utmost importance that your team, your business partners, and your colleagues are the type of people that have your best interest at heart. If you do this you cannot fail. These people will stand at your side and cheer you along the path to achieving the things that are most important to you. When you experience setbacks they will pick you up and encourage you to keep going.
This is the perfect time of year for you to reach out to your customer base and old acquaintances. Be positive, be an encourager. Be the kind of person that lifts others. As you do this you’ll be amazed at the way in which others will be attracted to you. In turn you’ll see your business soar.