
Real Estate Broker Advice: How to Avoid PR Blunders

Real Estate Technology with Zurple

Avoid PR Mistakes

You don’t want to be that agency that gets ostracized for being insensitive in their marketing campaigns. You need to have processes in place that safeguard any of your online sharing: be it your brokerage site or social media. Once it’s out, you can’t get it back – people can take screenshots of any of your online activity even if you decide to pull it down later on. As a real estate broker, you’re responsible for anything that comes out on your brokerage behalf, period.

Have these 3 safeguards in place to avoid marketing and PR blunders:

  1. Vet all your marketing materials with gender and racial diversity filters.

    Never view any of your brokerage messaging through your personal point of view and no one else’s. You can land in hot waters very easily. Review any message that's going out and apply filters of race, gender and socio-economic standing to it. If some elements feel off-balance, go back to your drawing board.
  2. Have a group of people who can be your sounding board.

    Recruit a trusted group of people composed of agents in your office, your coach and family and friends, who can objectively review any marketing content you’re putting out. Ask for their honest feedback and be ready to act on it if necessary. You want them to speak the truth so the marketplace doesn’t have to.
  3. Apologize the right way.

    If you did mess up – apologize. Not ‘we’re sorry to have offended you’ - that is not a sincere apology. When you’ve made a mistake, don’t blame your audience for it. They’re not emotional – they are wronged. Own up to your marketing mistakes: state what you did and why it was wrong; then explain how you plan to do much better next time. Your intention matters – execution matters even more. Make your apology count.

To learn what Not to do, check out this flyer posted by Costello brothers that caused a firestorm in the real estate industry and beyond.

What has worked for you when sharing content online? Share in the comments below.

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Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude


I think getting other opinions on your marketing makes lots of sense - for the content, potential gender/racial/socio-economic/religious issues, and of course typos. Owning up to the goof is esssential - I like your recommendations!

The Costello brothers certainly got far more than they expected, and this is not likely to easily forgotten, especially with social media, online, sharing, etc.


Sep 23, 2015 06:14 AM
Alyse "Aly" Sands
AGORA Realty - Nashville, TN
It's Good To Be Home

If you're unsure that your marketing is acceptable then use templated Real Estate Postcards and/or get your Broker to give the thumbs up before mailing.

Sep 23, 2015 06:20 AM
Theresa Akin

Always run it past your broker and maybe a few others. Make sure it's right and make sure it meets the legal requirements also.

Sep 24, 2015 12:33 AM
Kimo Jarrett
Cyber Properties - Huntington Beach, CA
Pro Lifestyle Solutions

Shouldn't professionals know the rules and regulations about compliance and ethics regardless of profession? Perhaps an apprentice or trainee should seek and get assistance but a seasoned professional, I would hope not, don't you think?

Sep 24, 2015 02:54 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Kimo Jarrett  - agreed. You'd be surpised though how many seasoned agents don't get it right.

Sep 24, 2015 04:16 AM
John Dotson
Preferred Properties of Highlands, Inc. - Highlands, NC - Highlands, NC
The experience to get you to the other side!

There is a lot of PC junk (nice word) out there that folks get all upset about.  My wife was a working mom for years, and I agree the Costello bros. got that one wrong.

Best advice... forget the PC crap and just be nice to folks.  It doesn't hurt.

Sep 24, 2015 07:39 AM
Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner
Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395 - Mission Viejo, CA
Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395

A sincere apology makes the biggest difference when things go wrong. 

Sep 26, 2015 02:42 AM