
Out with the Old into a NEW Home

Real Estate Agent with PorchLight Real Estate Group

Looking to sell your home and get into a new home in Parker?  Firstly be willing to step outside your home walk back in and make a few necessary changes.  As painful as it can be people want to see the home they walk in as their own not every personal item about who is living there.  




3.  Scale Down  smaller furniture makes a room seem larger which adds value to your home.  


4.  Re-arrange  furniture placement should have a focal point in a room and make the home feel like it flows effortlessly.  Living room focus around the fireplace.


5.  Color  add vibrant colors with accessories!


6.  Ambience set the scene dining room table is set, games set out up on the living room table, flowers, music softly playing a scented candle.


7.  View  walk out to the front of your home and say what can I add to give appeal a flower pot by front door, a new door mat, a wreath for the front door, is the lawn groomed.  


The process needs you to leave your footprint behind and set the scene for any family who wants to come view your home to see as their own.  


Once sold you can buy your new home in Parker!


Sandra Jarock