I decided to write this blog after reading on about referrals. The blogger was concerned about whether or not they should ask for referrals or not. Some people responded that they did not ask for referrals and that they just came. Well I responded with the saying "A closed mouth does not get fed" You are a small business owner and you need to market your product-You. I have alot of things keeping me busy and just hoping someone thinks about me is not going to get me fed. You don't want to be pushy and have people avoid you. So I have some tips that have worked for me.
Most people who know that you are in real estate will ask you how is business or my favorite how many house did you sell so far. My response is business is great those who want to buy are buying and those who want to sell are selling. So WHO do you know that is interested in making a move. Always ask open ended questions, questions that need a response not a yes or no answer. Another response I use when asked how many house have I sold I come back with the question how many referrals do you have for me? Networking is a great way to get referrals. You have to be personable and outgoing in this business. Go to community networking events and meet people. Bring plenty of your business cards, appointment book, a note pad and something to put all the business cards in that you will get. Talk to people ask them about their business first, what services they offer, how long they have been in business and try to make some connection with them, find a commonality, then ask them how you as a Realtor can help them with their business. I am sure one day one of your clients is going to need thier services someday. Then tell them about you-and what services you could offer their clients based on the type clients they might have. Leave conversation with a mutual understanding that you are both interested in assisting each other to help each others business grow. Then send on the back of their business card write a discription of them and reminder of your conversation. Then move to the next person. When you are in a networking enviroment it is expected to talk about your business and get referrals. When you go back to the office or home write that person a little note saying it was nice to meet them briefly mention a highlight of the conversation and ask for a referral. Then keep in touch and refer someone to them when you can.
However, when you are not in a structured networking environment you need to be able to start dialog. Say your in line in the grocery store maybe comment on something the cashier or the person in front of you is wearing. Your necklace is beautiful you know I just sold a house to a woman who had one similar. That opens the door and gives you chance to hand out a business card and ask "Who do you know who..... if they know some one get the person you are talking to name and number and so you can call them later. If they can't think of anyone at least you can call them later.
Always take the time to hand write a personal note with your business card and ask for referrals. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope this is helpful.