
Additional Design Changes for the Gulf Freeway

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Brockway Realty, LLC TREC: 0424566

Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is the regional organization through which local governments consider issues and cooperate in solving area wide problems. H-GAC's mission is to serve as the instrument of local government cooperation, promoting the region's orderly development and the safety and welfare of its citizens.  

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Members of the Houston-Galveston Area Council Transportation Policy Council - the board that oversees regional transportation planning and federal and state funding for Houston-area projects - is scheduled to approve its 2016-18 spending plan. The plan covers $239.4 million for I-45 over the next three years, with $140.4 million of that directed to segments expected to break ground by late 2016.


The Gulf Freeway widening project has been broken down into three segments: 

  1. Nasa Rd 1 to Galveston County line; Widen to five lanes in each direction, with three-lane frontage roads, and two HOV lanes;
  2. Harris County line to FM 518; Widen to five lanes in each direction; with two- or three-lane frontage roads and two HOV lanes;
  3. FM 518 to FM 517; widen to four lanes in each direction with two-lane frontage roads.
  4. Coming Later; Another 18.4 miles of I-45 will be widened to four lanes in each direction.


Texas Department of Transportation will hold two public meetings to discuss the design changes for the Galveston Bay Area:

Topic: Widening Nasa Rd 1 By-pass to south of FM 518.                                                                                     October 6, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm;                                                                                                                  Creekside Intermediate School, 4320 West Main St., League City.


Topic: Widening south of FM 518 to FM 1764.                                                                                                October 20, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm;                                                                                                                    Victory Lakes Intermediate School, 2880 West Walker, League City.


Gulf Freeway_Old

New and old residents have seen many changes to the Gulf Freeway, which officially opened in 1952. “And the beat goes on” for changes that are designed to help with traffic congestion as the population in the area continues to GROW.

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Kate McQueen
Realty Associates Texas - Cypress, TX
Tailored service for your real estate needs!

Interesting.  You are certainly on top of things for the area.  As a native Houstonian and "middle-aged," I can't remember a time when the Gulf Freeway WASN'T under construction.  

These improvements are badly needed!

Oct 05, 2015 10:56 PM
James Brockway
Brockway Realty, LLC - League City, TX

Thanks Kate!  I know, always has seemed that way.

Oct 06, 2015 08:11 AM