
Nites in the City a Two Night Celebration

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Harriman Real Estate, LLC (203) 672-4499 REB 0788845

Nites in the CityIf you enjoy a good glass of wine or a frosty beer from time to time, then you'll want to be in the Silver City on October 1st and 2nd as Meriden once again hosts the 16th Annual Nites in the City, a two night event showcasing some great examples of the best wine and beer from all over the world.

Main & Vine Wine Tasting

Nites in the CityThe festivities kick off on Thursday, October 1st with the Main & Vine Wine Tasting sponsored by the Meriden Rotary and the City of Meriden. Plan on sampling over 40 varieties of wine, both imported and domestic . You’ll be able to treat your palate to Chardonnays, Merlots, Pinot Grigios, Cabernets and other delicious varietals. (Personally, I hope they include a Riesling or two, preferably from Germany or the Pacific Northwest, but any Riesling is a good Riesling!) And if you don’t care for the fruit of the vine, they will have several different beers on hand to wet your whistle with!

Light hors d'oeuvres will be available, some local artists will have their work on display and there will be live music for your enjoyment. Oh yeah, and you get to KEEP your wine glass, too! Proceeds of the Wine Tasting will go to various local charities.

Tickets will be available at the door for $25 per person, or they may be purchased in advance for $20 from local charities, the Four Points by Sheraton, 275 Research Parkway in Meriden or Bob's Package Store, 1428 East Main Street, Meriden. For more information, call (203) 608-7100.

Silver City Brew Fest

Nites in the CityFriday, October 2nd brings brewing to the forefront with the Silver City Brew Fest, featuring 25 different beers to try including some familiar favorites like Blue Moon, Shock Top, Sam Adams and Stella Artois, as well as some less recognizable brews such as Weyerbacher, Leinenkugels and my personal favorite, Smutty Nose. Pumpkin flavored beers and some hard ciders will also be available. As with the previous night, if you’re not into beer there will be at least 25 different wines to sample as well.

The food for this night’s event will be provided as part of A Taste of Meriden as 15 area restaurants show off their signature dishes to accompany your favorite beverage. Free hamburgers and hotdogs will also be available, and music by the band Clearview will have you tapping your toes while quenching your thirst!

All proceeds of the Brew Fest will go to the Maloney Band Boosters and the Meriden Rotary Foundation.

Nites in the CityBoth events start at 5:30 PM and run until 8:30 PM. Tickets for the brew fest can be purchased in advance for $20, or at the door for $25. Tickets can be purchased from:

  1. Bob's Package Store, (203) 238-7895
  2. Four Points by Sheraton, (203) 238-2380
  3. Maloney Band Boosters

The event will take place at the Downtown Courthouse Plaza at 50 West Main Street. Click here for directions. All attendees must be 21 or over. In the event of rain, the event will move indoors to the Meriden Senior Center.

Whether your tastes run from a glass of delicate chardonnay to a mug of dark ale, you’ll find something that will surely please your palate. Come on down and say hello to Autumn in style!

For more info on area happenings, be sure to visit our page on Facebook, 365 Things to Do in CT!  

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Sam Shueh
(408) 425-1601 - San Jose, CA
mba, cdpe, reopro, pe

In California wine tasting was a promotional event and free. With the high cost of doing business they start charging a fee I still see lots of cars parking outside at these small wineries in my neighborhood....


Enjoy good life!

Sam Shueh

Sep 30, 2015 03:30 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Pat and Wayne I had not heard about this event, and I know a couple of people who would really enjoy it.

Sep 30, 2015 04:19 AM