
Want to Crush It in Real Estate? Have Kids.

Real Estate Technology with Zurple

Have Kids to be Productive

It is a tongue-in-cheek advice but if you do have kids, you know what I am talking about. Your time becomes compressed and you don't have any luxury of wasting even a minute. With kids comes a laser focus and sense of urgency to get stuff done whenever you can. The ROI of sleep goes up immeasurably too.

Here are 5 ways you become more productive and crush it in real estate when you have kids:

  1. Having less time, more focus.

    You don't dawdle - you set your priorities, make decisive decisions and accomplish more things in a shorter amount of time.

  2. Valuing time to 'think things over'. 

    You consciously allocate some creative thinking time. Your shower time becomes a never-ending source of fresh ideas as that's one of a few times you get to be by yourself surrounded by soothing sounds of water letting your brain come up with answers to your questions. Even better if you meditate for a few minutes before going to bed each night.

  3. Becoming more strategic where you spend your time. 

    You stop going to large networking events or meeting with numerous people for 'coffee'. You start tracking what activities generate the most impact for your business and personal life and let go of those that don't.

  4. Learning to say 'no' without guilt. 

    You embrace 'no' and get comfortable with it. You also find creative ways to say 'no' by re-framing it as a suggestion that works better for you and gives a viable option or a way out to the one who is asking.

  5. Getting things right and not always perfect. 

    You start appreciating finalizing things on your to-do list and forgiving yourself if some of them are not up to your perfection standard. Good enough becomes your gold standard.

My personal experience:
Having kids has made me much more focused and productive. I usually set an intention for the next day a night before and when I wake up, I run though how I intend my day to unfold before getting out of bed. The day goes much smoother this way.

Have you become more productive after you had kids? What ninja tricks have worked for you to have a productive day?

Want to ramp up your productivity even more? Check out this Free Guide with 15 Productivity Apps for Realtors on the Go.


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Nicole Doty - Gilbert Real Estate Expert
Zion Realty - Gilbert, AZ
Broker/Owner of Zion Realty

I tell you what, having kids definitely prepares you to say 'No' at any moment and not feel bad about it! 

Oct 02, 2015 01:52 AM
Alan May
Jameson Sotheby's International Realty - Evanston, IL
Home again, home again...

The kids are great motivators....

You feel the need to make sure you make enough money to provide for them, feed them, clothe them,  be able to offer them a good education.  There's no better motivator than worrying about your kids.

And then there's the networking through PTA, through sports, through band camp, etc...  When you're busting at the seams and need to up-size, so are many of your fellow parents.

Oct 02, 2015 02:53 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Alan May  - couldn't have said better myself!

Oct 02, 2015 02:54 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Nicole Doty - Gilbert Real Estate Expert  - it's all about practice :).

Oct 02, 2015 02:55 AM
Teri Pacitto
Compass - Westlake Village, CA
Real Estate, Your Style...Your Home...My Specialty

Irinia, all your points are relevant and additionally I agree with Margaret's comment on friendships and networking while raising children can be huge for future business.  It's all about connections and following up.  Great post. 

Oct 02, 2015 03:43 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Teri Pacitto - thank you for your kind words! Being a mom of 3 brings my nteworking game to an entirely new level :).

Oct 02, 2015 03:44 AM
Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker
Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker - Sacramento, CA
Put 40 years of experience to work for you

I've gotta hand it to agents who can sell real estate while juggling raising kids. I am not equipped that way and could not have possibly achieved what I have done in the business if I had kids; I can barely handle feeding my cats.

Oct 02, 2015 08:36 AM
Praful Thakkar
LAER Realty Partners - Burlington, MA
Metro Boston Homes For Sale

Now this is a great advice Irina Jordan . (And did not know there are so many benefits of having kids....)

The best one - you can say 'NO' without guilt! (Did you read Gail Petrowsky ' post about it?)

Oct 02, 2015 12:47 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Hi, Irina.

     I remember having to choose between showing property to an "iffy" Buyer, or spending the morning with my boy Jeremy.   I blew off the Buyers; Jeremy and I went to Wakulla Springs.  I will never ever regret that decision!

Oct 02, 2015 12:57 PM
Richard Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

Kids are a 20 year commitment. Start-up is full time and forget being alone too

Oct 02, 2015 11:51 PM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Praful Thakkar  - thanks - it's all about ROI :)! Just did :) - thanks for sharing.

Oct 03, 2015 12:31 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Fred Griffin  - that's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

Oct 03, 2015 12:31 AM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Richie Alan Naggar  - I'd say kids are a lifelong commitment :0.

Oct 03, 2015 12:32 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Yes, having children can certainly change the way you manage your life and business.  And yes, things like shower time are great places to get some thinking done.

Oct 03, 2015 12:37 AM
Vera Gonzalez
RE/MAX Suburban, Inc. - Sterling Heights, MI
Gonzo For Real Estate

Irina Jordan  I couldn't agree more. I am a mother of 6 with one more any day now and I can tell you it makes dealing with all different types of personalities alot easier and my negotiating skills reach a new level of mastery

Oct 03, 2015 05:14 AM
Gilbert Real Estate Experts: Colby & Michele Myers
Flat Fee Etc. Real Estate - Gilbert, AZ

Good advise here. I'll give it a try. With 4 kids, it can be a challenge to equalize my time.

Oct 03, 2015 06:25 AM
Les & Sarah Oswald
Realty One Group - Eastvale, CA
Broker, Realtor and Investor

It does take a special person to juggle business and kids. Item #5 is especially important - to get things done and not necessarily perfect.

Oct 03, 2015 07:35 AM
Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

I am a bit old for having kids now, however you are so right.  Being retired and taking on a new career doesn't make you so lazer focused.

Oct 03, 2015 02:37 PM
Irina Jordan
Zurple - San Diego, CA

Vera Gonzalez - I bow to you :). Congrats on the soon-to-be-here baby!

Oct 04, 2015 01:05 AM
Vera Gonzalez

thank you

Oct 04, 2015 02:41 AM
Frank Castaldini
Compass - San Francisco, CA
Realtor - Homes for Sale in San Francisco

Great post.  The key no matter is to really want success and take the actions necessary.  I don't have kids but I believe my drive and focus is available to anyone if they have the right mindset.  That's what you really are stressing here.


Kids or not, you gotta wanna!

Oct 04, 2015 05:07 AM