Here are 3 surefire ways for a real estate pro to dominate LinkedIn:
Produce valuable content and share it via LinkedIn long form posts.
You can share your content via status updates and group discussions. The most powerful way to establish your real estate expertise is by leveraging the LinkedIn Publishing Platform. Think of it as a blog publishing tool that allows you to share your original content with all your connections and followers.
You want to create content that’s relevant to your target audience. Help others solve an issue or problem – in your case how to buy or sell their home successfully. Keep your posts informative and conversational while teaching, empowering and helping. Don’t post any self-promotional posts – it’ll backfire. You want other people in your network to share your posts with their connections.
Build your LinkedIn network strategically.
The more you grow your LinkedIn network, the more influential you become. As you grow your network, you increase your visibility and reach more people with your content and your actions on LinkedIn. Don’t build a random network, be strategic about it. Make sure there is a good reason to connect and evaluate those who want to connect with you.
An extensive network on LinkedIn leads to more effective networking. Networking is how you expand your Sphere of Influence while learning and getting inspired by others. As you grow your network on LinkedIn, you can establish relationships between the right people. You can introduce, connect and refer the members of your network when you see they can benefit from knowing each other – leverage the influence law of reciprocity.
Be your own publicist.
Showcase your expertise and why you’re an outstanding real estate agent. Use LinkedIn to publicize your professional brand to the world. Give a dynamic, visually appealing and relevant display of your professional story by uploading videos, presentations (including your listing presentation) and articles. Broadcast to your network what you want to be known for.
Thanks to the LinkedIn rich media feature, you can upload a variety of content from other platforms, including your own website and blog. Don’t be shy and share any and all pieces of content on your LinkedIn profile that will present you in a flattering light. Ask people to write recommendations for you on LinkedIn that showcase your experience, expertise and versatility as a real estate pro.
Pro tip: Listen and learn about what your LinkedIn connections are looking for, find a relevant resource or answer and send it to them directly.
Achieving influence on LinkedIn doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be willing to put in the time, energy and effort. Building influence is a daily practice - not a one-time shot.
To your LinkedIn domination!
How have you been leveraging LinkedIn? Share in the comments below.