Nice listing at a great price Shanna...I am certain it will sell quickly now that nobody in St. Louis will be watching baseball.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
I hope you sell it fast! Looks like a great place to call home!
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Shanna, what a cute property, and a great price for the square footage. Best of luck on a quick offer.
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Shanna hope by the time you read my comment you will be negotiating on a couple offers, Endre
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Congratulations Shanna on a new listing!
It looks great. Wishing you to get a solid offer and close escrow soon!
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Low blow Jeffrey DiMuria 321.223.6253 but you also got a small- very small chuckle out of me;)
That was a low blow, wasn't it? Glad you at least got a chuckle out of it!
Shanna, came back to see if you have this one under contract, or even closed! Hopefully!
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO
Is it sold yet? Go get yourself a buyer and a closing...
Shanna Hall
Kirkwood, MO