
3 Step Paperwork Filing System: Easy and Effective

Real Estate Technology with Zurple

3 Step Paperwork Filing System

Are you afraid to get close to your desk as it’s overflowing with papers of any possible color and size, including scraps of paper and crumpled receipts? Real estate agents, including you, have to deal with unbelievable amounts of paperwork. And you dread organizing it.

Paperwork filing is one of the least favorite activities for most people so you’re in a good company. You also know that if you develop a habit of filing papers right away, you won’t stress about it as much. Filing paperwork doesn’t have to be complicated. We show you how to slay the 'paper monster'.

Follow these 3 steps to keep your desk paper-free:

  1. Pair down before filing away:

    Put all papers in one pile and go through them. Each paper will have 3 options: 1. Take action required and then file away; 2. Route to someone else; 3. Toss or shred it. There is no 4th option.

  2. Keep it simple:

    Use a simple alphabetical system. Always have paperwork filing supplies on hand: manila folders, labels and hanging folders. When you have a piece of paper in your hand, decide which one of 3 options this paper is destined for and if it’s number one, create a file for it and file it alphabetically or file it away into the appropriate existing folder.

  1. File immediately:

    Keep your filing system up to date by filing things right away. Decide on a place for every piece of paper that lands on your desk and put all the papers where they the moment you have them. Have a user friendly filing cabinet – it needs to be easily accessible. This step takes less than 10 seconds. Warning: don’t stack papers saying to yourself “I’ll file it later”. It'll pile up quickly and you'll get overwhelmed.

Pro tip: Ask people to email you instead of faxing or sending paperwork by mail. Anything can be scanned and sent electronically.

Here you have it - an easy-to-follow 3 step system to be in charge of your paperwork. Make it a habit and it’ll become your second nature to follow these steps without giving them much thought. Make it automatic.

What has worked for you when it comes to filing paperwork? Share in the comments below.

Need a kickstart? Download this free Paperwork Checklist!


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Vera Gonzalez
RE/MAX Suburban, Inc. - Sterling Heights, MI
Gonzo For Real Estate

I love this.I am anti-clutter. Most of my stuff is on flash drives etc. Awesome Irina Jordan .  I am all about  this.

Oct 19, 2015 02:03 AM
Nicole Doty - Gilbert Real Estate Expert
Zion Realty - Gilbert, AZ
Broker/Owner of Zion Realty

I just got done catching up on paperwork that had piled up on my desk over the past week! It's one of the aspects of my job that I hate the most!

Oct 19, 2015 08:17 AM