
Selling an Inland Empire Home? Hire an Internet Savvy Realtor

Real Estate Agent with (909) 476-9600 ~ BRE# 01169000

According to the National Association of Realtors, between 90% and 95% of today’s home buyers now use the internet to search for homes. With the incredible popularity of smartphones and tablets, the trend toward a digital real estate marketplace shows no signs of slowing down.


If you’ re planning to put your house on the market, it’s important to verify that your Listing Agent is Internet savvy. The agent you used to buy your home even 5 years ago may seem like a logical choice for listing your home this time around. But with access to so much information online and so much at stake, sellers should do a little homework before committing.


Selling a Home Hire an Internet Savvy RealtorIf you use the strategies of the past, you will probably miss out on today’s generation of buyers. How your home is marketed is the biggest factor in determining how quickly it will sell (assuming the price is reasonably presented).


Selling your home today requires a strong Internet presence. Realtors that employ aggressive Internet, social media and mobile marketing techniques offer today’s home sellers a significant advantage over other Agents.

When deciding on a Realtor, look at how they markets themselves and their services –that says a lot:

  • What technology do they use to showcase homes?
  • Is their website interesting and full of current information?
  • Can you view their website on your smartphone or tablet?
  • Do they use high quality pictures on their marketing?
  • Do they have a professional presence on social networks?
  • Can you find them on the first 3 pages of Google?


Remember the saying – “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me.”  A Realtor’s online presence is of particular importance if you’re selling a home. Do a quick Google search for a prospective Agent – do they come up?  As a Seller, if you can’t even find an Agent’s online presence (or their houses) with a quick online search how easy will it be for potential Buyers to find your property?


The Internet offers unlimited opportunities to give consumers the information they need to make informed Real Estate decisions. Whether selling or buying, it is vital to get your Real Estate listing where the traffic is.  Agents who can market and promote themselves in a positive light – online and offline – will most definitely increase the exposure of your home and increase your chances of achieving the maximum sales price.


So if you are thinking of Selling your Inland Empire home, it pays to hire an Internet Savvy Realtor.