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What Is Your Why? Finding motivation as a Real Estate Agent.

Education & Training with Real Estate Grad School

What would it mean to you if you earned another $20,000 in 2016, on top of what you’re making this year?

And then if you did it again, repeatedly, over the next three years?

For a lot of clients, paying off bills is top of the list.

And for most of them, they can wipe those out in one strong year.

So what would be next? Travel? Education? Family?

How would it feel?

Take some time today, pen in hand, to imagine. How would it feel and what would it do for you to be able to significantly increase your income in 2016?

And here’s an important tip–don’t judge your answers! If you want to be the top Agent in your office, if you want to impress your coworkers, then great, write it down! If you couldn’t care less what they think, but you’re dying for a luxury car, write that down!

Five minutes writing down ideas and feelings on this idea will help you lay the foundation for your business “why.”

We’re starting with the fundamentals of attitude and mindset as we begin preparing to create our 2016 Real Estate Business Plan.

Please join us by signing up for our free weekly webinar at realestategradschool.com/free-webinar

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