One of the first things we learn as professionals in our business is to listen to our clients. If that is true, then why is it not done by so many?
Here is an example: In a recent dealing with a Realtor, the process was moving along on schedule until the closing. At this point, I found myself answering the same questions over and over (regarding closing date) and thinking to myself...I hope my clients don't think that I don't listen to them.
It is very easy to get wrapped up in the day to day happenings and neglect things that require attention, whether it is remembering a name, a closing date, a phone call - what may not be a top priority for you may be to someone else and it is our job to treat it that way. Pen and paper works very well.
At first I felt frustration with the situation and decided to take advantage and use it as a lesson and learn from it. Maybe someone else could do the same.
And yes, the loan closed on time. The title had all of the required documents three days earlier - I don't believe in late closings.