10. No, you don’t need a cell phone, Internet connection or a working answering machine; I’m psychic—we’ll communicate telepathetically telepathically.
9. Regardless of public perception, I could have overcome the felon who lives next door and your recent home invasion…if we only had air conditioning and were $30,000 closer to market value.
8. “Testing, testing, testing” (the real estate market…and my patience). That’s for microphones not the market. But close—they both start with “m.”
7. Well, yes, I do “just want to get your home sold.” I thought you did, too.
6. Because the only calls I got on it were from Internet vendors who wanted to sell me animated video to market my “overpriced listing.”
(5 through #1 reason why I didn't sell you house) The rest of the story!
Contact Cathy at Cathy@cathyturney.com
Twitter: @CathyTurneyLafs