The course of transactions can vary. Then what is a smooth, clean transaction, and what can we do to make it so?
Oh and I'm sorry, I forgot to welcome you to Active Rain. We're all here to help, especially those of us who are Ambassadors. Just ask if you have any questions.
Suggest one gets from his broker a step by step process. Each step needs to be rectified and each state or brokerage is different..
Welcome to ActiveRain!
Finding the house is step 1. In my area, that's followed by step 2-inspection, step-3 contract, and then all the mortgage/title/insurance/ survey/etc related activities follow. I think the steps are different in every area.
David Soles Welcome to Active Rain! As REALTORS who have been here (on and off) for more than 9 years, it's well worth it!
Hi David.... I hope you find the simple version of that question and post it for everyone.... the more complex the transaction, the more steps involved...
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
and welcome to's a great place to learn, share, market and network....and I hope you enjoy doing all of it....
Hi, welcome to ActiveRain. This is a great community to learn of our industry and network. Congrats on your first post!
Hey, David, welcome to ActiveRain. We hope than in some future posts, you will give us your answers!
Welcome to Active Rain David, looking forward to reading many more of your posts, let me know if there is anything that I can do to help as you get started here.
Hi David! Welcome to the world of Activerain, may your blogging create a whole new chapter in your Real Estate Career.
General knowledge that comes with time and practice will be your best bet for smoothing out transactions.
Welcome to ActiveRain, it's great to have you aboard. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Welcome to the world of ActiveRain blogging, David Soles . You'll find this platform a valuable resource where we freely share and learn from each others experiences.
Welcome to ActiveRain David Soles .
Great question - and yes, there are many steps involved in smooth closing.
David - That is an important question for both buyers and seller, and one that they ask often.
David - Welcome to the ActiveRain community, and congrats on your first post here in the Rain.
Please know that the ambassadors, those of us with the orange badges, are here to help if you have questions as you get started in the Rain or even later on.