
"Seasons" For Selling Real Estate? Not So Much

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Brandywine Valley PARS273421 & De Lic.

In the Brandywine Valley region (SE PA & Northern DE)  there used to be “seasons” for selling real estate. Spring market  began after Super Bowl Sunday and closings took place before the school year began. Second was fall market, when sales were strong in September-October with buyers who did not have children in school. Even January was  specific month to corporate relocations, when companies transferred employees to new work sites.

It’s all changed, with the economy and the rise in the number of younger buyers a.k.a. Millennials or Generation Y and older buyers a.k.a. empty nesters and Baby Bomers.  Sellers no longer need to hold off listing near the holidays or during winter waiting for warmer weather to show off their outdoor spaces. Best time to list? NOW.

If you have a home to sell,  get it on the market. With less inventory on the market you may even make out better financially. With low interest rates continuing, buyers are ready. 

For Gen Y, those born in the early 19802 to 2000s, as long as the mobile device is on so is their hunt to buy their first home. How a listing appears online is critical and great photos a must. This group analyzes data and that needs to come in the form of text or email.   For sellers, keep your home ready to show at a moment’s notice.

Empty nesters take their time and while analytical, then want to take their time. They want smaller homes, but details matter, and they need to move around finances that can be stressful given fluctuations in the stock market and they maybe on or close to living on a fixed income.  This group doesn’t want to be rushed which can be aggravating for a motivated seller.

A good realtor understands the needs of these buyers and informs the seller, who might fall into an entirely different market segment. Education and flexibility are keys to selling at this time of year. 


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Michael J. Perry
Fathom Realty - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist

There's just something about Spring ! I write a lot of my business from 3/15 to 7/15 !!!

Mar 02, 2016 10:26 AM