This is a bit lengthy but bare with me. Sometimes we take the small things in life for granted. I know I'm guilty of it. Lets take a moment to stop and pay attention to the little things in our life for a few seconds. We should be grateful that we have to wake up and go to work. For the people that have kids, those cat naps through out the night tending to your children should be cherished rather then complained about it.
Try to put yourself in a soldier's shoes. You're away from family for an extended amount of time. What you would give for that home cooked meal. What you'd give for just the company of family and friends. These are just some of the hundreds of things that our veterans had scarified for our freedom. The freedom that allows us to be with our family, to go to work, and to live a normal life. A lot of us go through our daily routine forgetting that its because of what our veterans had done (and currently doing) that allows us to take care of our own business. This is why I say that our Veterans are the unsung heroes. We can't thank our veterans enough for the scarifies that they made for us but once again, thank you for your service! You guys are super humans and the back bone to our country!
Happy Veteran's Day!
With this said, I would like to share some information on what you need to have be eligible to apply for the VA loan and some of the perks that this loan has to offer.
- You have served 90 consecutive days of active service during wartime.
- You have served 181 days of active service during peacetime.
- You have more than 6 years of service in the National Guard or Reserves.
- You are the spouse of a service member who has died in the line of duty or as a result of a service-related disability.
If ANY of these applies to you then you are eligible to apply for the VA loan.
- Lower payments: Competitive interest rates and no private mortgage insurance results in lower monthly payments!!! Lower monthly payments is music to my ears.
- Easier to qualify: The VA Loan Program provides home ownership opportunities for millions who wouldn't otherwise qualify for conventional financing.
- No Down Payment!: Yes this is not a typo. NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED!!!
- First time Buyers: No down payment and relaxed credit standards means loans from the VA Program are especially helpful for first-time home buyers.
This is a brief description of what you need to be eligible and some of the perks this VA loan has. Please share this so that all of our veterans are aware. For more information please to click on the link below to contact me.
It would be an absolute honor for me to help our veterans find a home. Click here to get started!!!