Home, safe home. The following information was gleaned from "reformed burglars." Help burglar proof your home by trying the following things. 1-If you have a burglar alarm, turn it on, even when you're just going to be gone a few minutes. Don't post alarm company signs. They just tell the burglar where to look for the alarm schematic. 2-Having your valuables, jewelry, money etc. in your bedroom makes them easy to use. However, it's the first place a burglar will look. How about hiding things in the garage, a shoe box among many other shoe boxes, or in a fake soup can in the pantry with other soup cans? 3-Get a small "yapper" dog rather than an large scary looking one. The small ones make a lot more noise! 4- Keep all your foundation landscaping trimmed to well below window level. Make it harder for the burglar to creep up to your home unseen. 5-Use timers to turn on lights in various parts of the house, just like you'd do if you were home. The problem with leaving one light burning when you're gone is that it just makes it easier for burglars to figure you're not home and helps them see if they do break in. It's better to have a dark house. 6-Most people have their mail and newspaper stopped if they're going to be gone a long time. The problem with this is that you don't know if you can trust the mail or newspaper carrier not to tell someone you're gone. Best to have a friend or neighbor pick up both every day at different times of the day. The more burglars see people coming and going at your house, the less they'll target it and you.