
5 ways to not come off as a kid to investors.

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Fort Lowell Realty


Lets face it it is pretty hard to get into the investment circle if you are under the age of 30. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “ I have a son thats older than you” breaking into an industry where the deciding factor is how many grey hairs you have on your head it can be really tough for someone fresh out of college but it is possible to get into these groups as I went from making literally nothing to making 6 figures a year by the time I was 23.


1. Know alot about real estate. 

Duhhhh.  But hey, people don't REALLY do it.  Knowing a lot about real estate obviously helps.  Seeing as your new and have never done a deal the best way to get educated is to get a formal education from a real college.  Be weary of the thousands of little designations that likely mean nothing to most people. A minor in real estate is a great place to start.


Also not just being a sales agent but obtaining your brokers license in the next few years after you get your sales license shows people your really in this to win and not just another agent who waits tables on the side. 


Getting designations like CPM and CCIM are also great to get early because they are helpful AND almost everyone respects those designations.  But those have some steeper requirements.  More on those designations here.


2. Know more than just real estate.

 You just have to connect with investors on more than just real estate.  Most investors are usually passionate about something.  Think about it.  Investors have money.  Getting money takes drive.  People with drive tend to do stuff.  Doing stuff well and being profitable with it usually requires passion.  So try and be a "Renaisance Man" and learn a lot about a lot of different subject.  You'll be surprised how you can connect with people if you know a bit about everything.


3. Connect with people.

When it comes to meeting people and networking don’t just introduce yourself and hand them your business card.  Remember that these are human beings.  Not your personalized ATM.  Actually have a conversation and try to connect with them.  This is real estate.  Transactions take a while, so building a good relationship is key.


4. Don't be overly agressive.

Never just try to pitch yourself.  Young people always do this.  It's because we're new and really into it.  But here's the thing, everyone else sang that tune for years already and they're over it.  It can become downright painful to here pitch number 58373 from some guy they just met.  Even if you're pitching gold it'll come off as a lump of coal.


5. Don't talk about high school sports.


Never talk about the sports you played in high school to an investor unless they ask. I know you're proud, but why are you having a conversation that screams "I'm a Kid!"  It's time to move on from your high school sport glory days.

For more information of investing in real estate checkot our website Fort Lowell Realty & Property Management. 

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John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Bob Collopy These are very good tips about investors to consider you knowledgeable.

Nov 19, 2015 01:12 PM