
3 Free and Easy Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Real Estate Business

Services for Real Estate Pros with New Horizon

What Are You Grateful For?


Watch MO's video to learn 3 FREE and EASY marketing strategies to grow your real estate business with gratitude!  



If you can't be grateful for the business you have, why will you be grateful for the business you are pressing to get? Nothing will ever be enough. Take time each and everyday to be grateful for the life you have and watch the Real Estate Gods pour more business down on you! I promise. It's worked in my business and life. I promise it will work for you. Join me today and post a picture of something you're grateful for on your Facebook page. Personal and/or business page.

Today, I posted how grateful I am for my job. It allows me the flexibility to work from home and today I had to take care of a sick kid!  Post a picture of something or better yet, someone you're grateful for.

Please share marketing tips and strategies your grateful for below.  Do you think showing gratitude is a good marketing strategy?  Why?  Why not?  Please share.


My two cents, 


Posted by

Michael Oden

New Horizon Financial Services, LLC

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John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Michael - These are very good marketing strategies to grow a business.

Nov 20, 2015 09:14 AM
Michael Oden

Thanks John!


Dec 01, 2015 07:51 PM