
Why state licensing and substantial regulations of HOA property management companies is good for HOAs!

Real Estate Agent with REMAX Fine Properties BR525714000

Agents and homeowners, please sign the petition (for AZ law makers) and share:

In formal classes the HOA industry money makers (property management companies and attorneys) seem to smirk/smile when they say “but ultimately the Board is responsible for everything.”

It seems most HOA attorneys are in lobby groups with the property management companies which then lobby to keep the HOA management companies unlicensed and unregulated (or as they say, self governed).

This is not in the best interest for HOAs.

HOAs are relying on self-proclaimed ‘professionals’ who are unlicensed and unregulated HOA property managers. When they give their so-called ‘expert advice,’ should they not be required to follow the laws, and be held accountable for their actions? As a Board member, the Board members are…and ultimately every homeowner in an HOA.

Licensing and substantial regulations should result in less attorney fees! Simple issues such as not following the law, could be handled in a complaint department. The management company would be required to follow the more ridiculous lawsuits due to not following open meeting laws, or refusing to show owners the records. They would be obligated to follow the law, and if they don’t, there would be fines, suspensions and revocations of licenses.

Don’t fall for the HOA industry saying it’s going to cost the HOAs more money. The cost to have a license and take classes, are just a part of doing business. Real estate agents aren’t complaining because the cost to renew their license is only $75, and they can take 24 hours of renewal classes for $100, and that is every two years!

Think about how much HOAs have already lost in the current circumstances, especially in attorney fees and embezzlement cases. HOAs can negotiate lower management fees than they are currently paying.

Credentialing is not enough. Something similar would be...imagine real estate agents not being licensed, and simply just being part of their lobby group, the Association of Realtors.

HOA reform needs to include: licensing and substantial regulations through the Dept of Real Estate, with the power to fine, suspend and revoke licenses, combined with a complaint process to handle HOA problems without attorney fees. Laws need to be made with no interference from lobby groups to ensure proper regulations. New substantial laws to benefit homeowners is the goal, consumers first, not lobby group members that are profiting off HOAs.

Please visit

22 page HOA Report

Video regarding HOA Abuse of Authority

Top 5 Legislative Ideas

Who HOA Savers LLC is: We are informed on HOA issues affecting owners, and provide free education on the HOA industry. We support regulatory changes needed to benefit and protect owners. Many cities are over 90% HOAs, leaving consumers little choice but to live in an HOA.

 Make Arizona the first state to create a pro-homeowner HOA industry. Thank you.

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David Gibson CNE, 719-304-4684 ~ Colorado Springs Relocation
Colorado Real Estate Advisers LLC - Colorado Springs, CO
Relocation, Luxury & Lifestyle residential

Welcome to ActiveRain Jill. You will find a lot of support for your cause here in the Rain.

Nov 23, 2015 10:25 AM