
40 Day Prosperity Plan (day 8 of 40)

Education & Training with Meet Jane Herron your Success Trainer on Retainer (past Productivity Coach + New Agent Trainer for Keller Williams) Realtor®
40 Day Prosperity Plan40 Day Prosperity Plan
         Are You doing the 40-Day Prosperity Plan with US?

Here is how it works.
YOU journal the TRUTH STATEMENT provided both here and/or at the FB event page in your mastermind journal, meditate on the statement, contemplate what you learned about Prosperity, do your 3-LISTS and you are done for the day.  

The point of joining US is the collective consciousness.
As individuals we can go so far, when the mastermind comes in and people come together for a definite purpose (we are raising our $$ VIBE for 2016) we can achieve more than what YOU could do flying solo.

The 40-Day Prosperity Plan is an exercise of doing a single activity, all of us on the same day, doing that activity with a huge group, up-leveling your energy and getting new results in 40 days.


Join us today!

Most of us started on 11/21/15, meaning 40 days would end on 12/31/2015 so we would start the New Year at a new UP level. There are only 10-Truth Statements so we rotate through them 4-Times over the 40 days.

Join us today, allow this PLAN be the WIND beneath your WINGS so you are flying high in 2016. Just get started on whatever day it is today...then you keep going to make sure you are doing your full 40. Got it?


DAY 8/40---> Truth Statement # 8

“I am a radiating center of Divine Love. Love fills my heart with harmony. Love fills my mind with kind, helpful thoughts. Love fills my lips with words of praise and cheer. Love fills my life to overflow with peace & prosperity. Whatever the need or problem,
Divine Love is the answer and I am perfect expression of Divine Love now. Divine Love now fulfills my every need.”
NOTE When distress, anger, stress and any other negative emotion invade you, write them down in your ELIMINATION LIST. Now get rid of that LIST daily, I write CANCEL CANCEL in RED block letters. Some days there is a lot of RED on my TRUTH page.   After you write CANCEL CANCEL, say "I am perfect expression of Divine Love now. Divine Love now fulfills my every need.”


  • MEDITATE for 10 minutes on this statement
  • CONTEMPLATE what is means for your prosperity
  • JOURNAL you thoughts + feels
  • LISTS: add 3 columns to your journal page: ELIMINATION--DEMONSTRATION--GRATITUDE
  1. ELIMINATION--what do you want/need to eliminate from your life (negative tape in your head, people who make you feel bad, your attitude about something/someone) write it down
  2. DEMONSTRATION--what is it that you want to CREATE, Demonstrate, Manifest
  3. GRATITUDE--list at least 6 things from your present experience you are grateful for.
  4. CANCEL-CANCEL: now take a RED marker and write CANCEL-CANCEL in BLOCK letters across your elimination list.  You want to eliminate this from your consciousness, to cancel it out on your page so you cannot see what you have written.
  5. DONE