Stover Mill at Warwick in Warwick township are located in Central Bucks school district. It is a community of townhomes. Most have 3 bedrooms . Some have basements.
There are several floor plans.
There are 6 active listings in mls as of November 4 , 2015.
The lowest price is $187,500 for a 3 bedroom home with a basement. The highest price is $214,000 for a 3 bedroom home .
There are 6 homes pending settlemement.
10 homes sold in last six months.
Lowest sale price was $98,000. The highest price was $ 218,000.
The community has tennis courts.
If you would like a free market analysis of your home in Stover Mill call Gita Bantwal at Re/Max Centre 215-343-8200x124 or 2152758491.
If you would like to buy a home look up all listings on my web site