
Communicating for the voiceless

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT REB 0788053

  protest for Nosey the elephant abused in a traveling circus.


Using letter writing, protests, and twitterstorms to incite saving #FreeNosey the Elephant


This summer I went to my very first protest in the USA, in Wharton New Jersey.  I attended a fair with about 35 other animal activists and we held a peaceful protest against the use of animals for “entertainment” in circus’s.


At this fair was a majestic elephant named Nosey whose story I learned about on facebook this earlier this year.   It really astounds me how these massive and beautiful these creatures are, and despite their immense size they live such a badly abused and tortured existence.


There was a horrific pinnacle event that really got a lot more people aware and involved in protesting animals used in circus’s.  In 1994, an elephant named Tyke went crazy and killed her handler and went running through the streets of Hawaii.  Tyke was killed dead eventually by 86 gunshots in the most gruesome and horrific death.  Animals who are trained to perform tricks are often done under abuse, threat of abuse, withholding of food and other severe and cruel coercion tactics.  Thankfully, Hawaii just this week passed a ban on the use of animals in circus’s, twenty long years after the tragedy of Tyke.


Nosey was brought to the US when she was very young, and sold to a family who is a traveling circus of sorts.  She has been traveling all over the continental USA giving performances and giving rides to children and grown adults for 8 hour long days, and this has been her existence these last 35 years.  Nosey’s owner has been cited by the USDA for over 200 violations, despite this we have not been able to get Nosey released to a sanctuary yet.  There are a few facebook groups with thousands of members who write letters, emails and make calls to the USDA, the president and their congress people to do something to end Nosey’s suffering as soon as possible. Still to no avail, but we all still persevere for Nosey.


I took this video trying to talk to Nosey and send her my love, when her owner noticed her tuning in to me and flapping her ears, he pulled her ear and pushed her with the horrendous jagged bull hook in his hand.


Also in the playlist of videos, I took video of Nosey after a long day of giving rides in the blazing summer heat. Her foot is clearly ailing her. She has been working in a traveling circus for far too long and is in desperate need of appropriate medical attention and solace in an elephant sanctuary, there is one in Tennessee that is holding a space open for Nosey to come live the rest of her days there.



That day in Wharton New Jersey I met an amazing group of people who have hearts of pure gold.  There were so many of us, and as people approached Nosey to take rides we would swiftly educate them on the torture that animals have endured to become docile enough to allow rides.  We didn’t get Nosey sent to the sanctuary but at least we stopped a few people that day from taking rides on her.


Events to participate in;


20/20 ABC news did a story about Nosey and all the baby elephants that were imported to Florida at the time in the 1980’s, this twitter storm is to capture ABC’s attention to do an update story on Nosey and the terrible injustices she has suffered.


This is 20/20’s first story about Nosey and other baby elephants being imported to the USA.




Part II



Twitterstorm for Nosey the abused elephant December 6, 2015



Twitterstorm event for Banning Cub petting and Canned Hunting December 7, 2015



Facebooks groups for Nosey


Action for Nosey


Save Nosey Now


Nosey’s Voice




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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Annette - thanks for your entry into the Pay It Forward Contest.  It's quite apparent that this is a cause close to your heart.  

Dec 05, 2015 08:26 PM
Annette Thor

Thanks for looking at my entry so fast Michael, I feel so happy to spread this story about Nosey, and today at 11am we are doing a twitter storm for her, so the timing of the contest really worked to push me to write this post.

Dec 05, 2015 09:30 PM
Potranco Realty
Potranco Realty - San Antonio, TX
"Sold with Potranco Realty"

It breaks my heart to see so many animals in environment they weren't meant for. I think your video captures Nosey responding to you? if only you were able to hear her low rumbling you could have understood her. Thanks for sharing.

Dec 05, 2015 08:29 PM
Annette Thor

Hi Bob, the orcas at Sea world are also a very sad and despondant bunch.  I did feel Nosey tune in to me and flutter her eyes and ears at me.  Their brains are so large, they must certainly have some cognitive features that we have.

Dec 05, 2015 09:34 PM
Belinda Spillman
Optician - Aurora, CO
Colorado Living!

Very nice to be involved in protecting those who can't speak for themselves.  Thanks for the entry.

Dec 06, 2015 12:53 AM
Annette Thor

Thanks for stopping by Belinda, Have a great Sunday!

Dec 06, 2015 02:31 AM
Gary Coles (Coaching)
Venture Realty International - Las Vegas, NV
Latin America Real Estate

Good evening Annette Thor I just saw your post and I think it is so important that we speak up for certain reasons.  I have always tried to watch for ways to help animals and children.  In the last two years I have also been adding my voice trying to help deported veterans.  I hope you will visit my blog and learn about the horrible way our government treats many who served.

Dec 09, 2015 01:40 PM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

Hi Gary, Thanks for stopping by and the follow.  I cannot stand the way Vets are treated after all they've done.  When my brother was in the Navy our whole family was a nervous wreck until he returned safely.

Dec 09, 2015 07:27 PM
Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho
Sandpoint Realty LLC - Sandpoint, ID
North Idaho Real Estate - 208-255.6227

Hello Annette.  Nice post for Nosey.  My heart goes out to mistreated animals, as well as children.  Neither are able to do anything about it and are treated as the cluprit when they finally say enough.  I sincerely hope Nosey finds peace at a new home soon.  Mark 

Dec 10, 2015 08:16 AM
Annette Thor

Hi Mark, They certainly are the most vulnerable and need the most support. Thanks for wishing Nosey to be rescued, it says a lot about you 

Dec 10, 2015 10:15 PM
John Meussner
Catalyst Mortgage - Fair Oaks, CA
#MortgageMadeEasy Fair Oaks, CA 484-680-4852

Thanks for sharing this Annette...I'm a big proponent of "if you want to complain about something, you should be willing to do your part to be the change you want to see".  Clearly, you act instead of just speaking, and that's admirable.  I hope that Nosey finds a sanctuary home soon thanks to you and others like you that are working toward a happy ending.

Dec 10, 2015 11:03 AM
Annette Thor

Hi John, Congrats again on your supurb milestone!  I only wish Nosey knew how many people wish her a peaceful life in the sanctuary.

Dec 10, 2015 10:16 PM
Lynn B. Friedman CRS Atlanta, GA 404-617-6375
Atlanta Homes ODAT Realty - Love our Great City - Love our Clients! Buckhead - Midtown - Westside - Atlanta, GA
Concierge Service for Our Atlanta Sellers & Buyers

Annette Thor 

Interesting to read about the Elephant Sanctuary - followed your lead and wrote a post about it!

All the best -

Dec 10, 2015 04:22 PM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

I will have to reblog your blog Lynn, do you prefer I use a link to the blog on your website or to the post on AR. Thank you so much for caring enough to write a post. If you like I can add you to Nosey's facebook groups.

Dec 10, 2015 10:19 PM
Lynn B. Friedman CRS Atlanta, GA 404-617-6375

Annette Thor 
Thanks for the compliments. Using the short URL  as the link to AR would be perfect!
I appreciate your offer to distribute the link around!

PS  I am from Fairfield County - decades ago ...

Dec 11, 2015 08:23 AM
Larry Johnston
Broker, Friends & Neighbors Real Estate and Elkhart County Subdivisions, LLC - Elkhart, IN
Broker,Friends & Neighbors Real Estate, Elkhart,IN

Hi Annette Thor ,  I'm glad people are starting to wake up in the animal cruelty issue and now making some progress.

Dec 12, 2015 11:22 AM
Annette Thor

Hi Larry Johnston , The people that you meet fighting for the voiceless are such amazing and good people, the main goal is to educate the public on the evil practices that these poor animals endure before they can "perform tricks".  Thanks for the follow too! Have a great sunday.

Dec 13, 2015 12:15 AM
Pamela Cendejas
Second Self Virtual Assistance - Kingman, AZ
Second Self Virtual Assistance (928) 692-3235

Good for you, Annette.  Standing up for what you believe in.  Certainly a worthy cause.

Dec 14, 2015 03:58 AM
Annette Thor

Thanks Pam, I certainly think so. Thanks for stopping by 


Dec 14, 2015 04:07 AM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Annette Thor - thanks for participating in the protest against animal abuse. I've been aware of this for years and it sickens me too. Plus it's heartbreatking! Well known Circus offenders abused elephants. Children live what they learn and it (abuse) passes down through the ages. It's unfortunate these beautiful elephants were torchured - yet they endured.  

Jan 13, 2016 10:41 PM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

The training videos of young ele's you can find on you tube are so horrific Patricia Feager, MBA, GRI, Cert Negotiations Expert, Military Relo Prof  


Jan 14, 2016 05:49 AM
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate
John L Scott Market Center - Birkenfeld, OR
"Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843

Annette, I couldn't read part of this because it upsets me so very much. I am SO proud of you for speaking out, for connecting with Nosey. I don't attend circuses, never have. The cruelty that exists for human's pleasure and pocketbook is abominating to me. I "speak" for them, donate to them, support many organizations that rescue, house and protect wildlife. I'm a huge advocate and appreciate a kindred soul in this endeavor. 

Jan 24, 2016 11:40 PM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

Thank you Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Realtor (503)755-2905 for the lovely compliment.  For me it speaks volumes about someone when they consider themselves animal advocates, Always happy to meet a fellow empath and nature lover Gayle! Ive been reading your posts for so many years already!

Jan 25, 2016 12:32 AM
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate

Ironically, I saw that this post was written on my husband's birthday, and the anniversary of both my parents and us. Fitting, somehow. 

Just became a follower!

Jan 25, 2016 12:37 AM
Annette Thor

Thanks a bunch Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Realtor (503)755-2905 ,  hope one day we can meet up if there are rain camps again .  I love Oregon, Ive driven thru the state, its alot like Connecticut.  Rolling green hills and lushness everywhere.

Jan 25, 2016 01:45 AM
Pamela Seley
West Coast Realty Division - Murrieta, CA
Residential Real Estate Agent serving SW RivCo CA

Wow! Annette Thor I haven't heard about Nosey's story, so thank you for sharing. I agree, the use of animals in circuses should be banned. Good for you taking the time and effort to do something about animal cruelty and sharing your experience. I have been to Sea World San Diego several times, and they are finally ending the killer-whale shows this year. I don't think whales, or elephants, were meant to perform circus tricks for an audience day after day. It is cruel.

Jan 30, 2016 02:03 AM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

Hi Pamela Seley Thanks for stopping by to read about Nosey. Ive only know her story a year or so, but I know many who have been writing letters for Nosey for more tha 5 years ongoing.  I really like educating people on the subject so they can stand against forcing animals to perform tricks as well.


Jan 30, 2016 03:03 AM
Ellen Caruso
Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty - Glen Head, NY

Hi Annette, Thanks for commenting on my blog and by reading this I see your an emotional and kind spirit as well. It is a shame how some animals are treated. Owners need to do the respectable thing, love them, let them live as God made them, and neuter them if they are not extinct.

Feb 16, 2016 05:47 AM
Annette Thor
Connecticut Homes and Commercial Fairfield Cty,CT - Westport, CT
Residential & Commercial Real Estate Broker in CT

I totally agree Ellen, thanks for stopping by to say Hi!

Feb 29, 2016 06:59 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Annette - the abuse of animals like Nosy occurs all the time.  Have you heard that Sea World is taking the whales out of entertainment and will breed no more?

Apr 20, 2016 03:36 AM