There are lenders out there with 0 down loans available. Contact me and I can get you in touch with some of THE BEST LENDERS to find out if you qualify.
This is the best time to buy a home in Cowlitz County. If you buy a home now at a low interest rate you will save more money than buying a home for less at a higher interest rate. If you buy a home for $218,900 at a 5.5% interest rate on a 30 year fixed with 20% down your monthly payment will be @ $994.31 per month. If you wait for prices to go down and the interest rate to increase you may end up saving nothing. If you buy the same home for $197,010.00 with 20% down on a 30 year fixed for 6% interest your monthly payment will be @ $994.94 per month. Buying the home for less at a higher interest rate actually costs more per month.
Buying a home has always been the best long term investment out there. Real Estate has always been #1 in returned value. Not only will the value increase as a long term investment it has added value as a tax deduction.
Contact me if you are serious about buying or selling a home in Cowlitz County.
Prosper Brajcich Realtor Source for Loan Rates= Time Magazine
John L. Scott LGV Contact me and I will e-mail the article
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Longview, WA 98632
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