Wearing many hats, it may be extremely difficult to blog daily. You may have to show 5 houses today, follow up on leads, go to a closing, etc. Where can you find the time?
To some, blogging just simply "isn't worth it". For it takes way to much time to pay its dividends. Fear not, I understand where you are coming from. However, have you ever considered the long-term benefits associated with blogging?
What are these benefits? Well, once you start blogging on a frequent basis and do so for an extended period of time, a multitude of benefits will begin to appear.
First, when you blog daily you are constantly pushing more information about your expertise. Should an interested consumer use Google and search for a topic you wrote about, if it was written with great value, Google will likely show your article. Even better, the visitor will see other posts you write about. This is your opportunity to set yourself apart from every other realtor, mortgage broker, or other industry professional you are competing against.
Imagine they had another question in their head and poof, there is another blog of yours which goes into great depth about that topic in question. This naturally puts you in the authority bucket, making this person instantly want to utilize your services for you have then answered or addressed two of their concerns. Update the blog on your website as well, at least once a week! I do that here.
That is why it is not only important to blog daily, but to blog with knowledge that will help other people. If you were to blog daily for one year, that is over 350+ blog posts! Another benefit would be Google seeing how much you blog and that it is related to your website. Yet another trust factor because your content on the web isn't "stale". You want your visitors to have the most up to date information possible!
A good example was in 2013, there was major reverse mortgage changes. If in 2013 a reverse mortgage broker or lender didn't update their blog in the last 2 years...guess what? They likely wouldn't show up for any searches pertaining to those changes, nor would anyone find their information. If I was searching for a reverse mortgage and found someone who wrote about brand new changes, that would make me feel very comfortable reaching out to that professional. Especially if I were to find someone elses website which hadn't been updated with fresh content for years.
I hope I built a solid case for you to blog more regularly. Preferably, once a day! Spend 20 minutes writing and it will pay dividends in the long-run.
Now let me ask you, how often do you currently blog?