There is not much to show this year for our holiday decorations with a move happening right after Christmas it did not make much sense to go all out.
Usually Blanca Barajas and I love to get a real tree, with lots of white lights and classic decorated tree. Usually blue and silver or red and gold are what we go for. We do love this season so much we had to figure out something and made this DIY tree. It is just some sticks, twine and a strand of lights. Blanca Barajas did just about 100% of this amazing tree!
It's not much, but as you can see some small presents and lots of German chocolate have started collecting already. All the candy was shipped from Germany by my parents so we do mean real German candy.
We are very excited for the move, even though it did mean no real Christmas feel in the house. On top of that being in Las Vegas there is no snow either. Next year we will go all out with decorations and make up for this year.
Happy Holidays to everyone and a very successful 2016! Don't forget to Like my Facebook Business Page for some great tips for online marketing, free webinars and more to improve your business!