Seal and save this winter with a few green ways to warm your home.
Insulation try recycled denim you can find at home depot. Fiberglass batts with 60% recycled content, Another option a contractor can blow recycled paper fill into stud bays from the outside,
Windows seal gaps with felt weather stripping and or spray foam which is designed for windows or doors. Also check what goes into and out of your walls, plumbing, electrical, dryer vents, TV cables anything that leaves openings that leak heat. Plug these holes with Good Stuff, and add caulk where the foundation wall meets the basement floor.
Heating equipment wrap the water heater in a thermal blanket and cover hot water pipes with slip on foam. Fill sheet metal sections with mastic and top the bonding agent with foil backed tape. Entry doors can be sealed with adhesive backed closed cell foam that compresses to fill the seam when the door is shut.
EcoBee a wireless thermostat linked to your home network and saves on heating costs as it can be controlled from your phone.
If your looking to buy or sell in the Denver Metro area contact:
Sandra Jarock |
Broker Associate, REALTOR® |
office: 303.733.5335 | cell: 303.260.9960 | fax: 303.733.1546 |
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