Lamentably, numerous creatures are startled by firecracker shows which can in a roundabout way posture dangers to creature causing so as to wellbeing them to take flight and attempt to get away from the noisy commotions. Canines specifically may fear firecrackers and numerous attempt to flee, here and there harming themselves all the while. We get calls from troubled proprietors whose pooches have fled. A large number of these canines can wind up a few kilometers from home. Mutts have been known not through fortified glass windows to escape uproarious commotions, and effectively hop over, or burrow their way under wall that would ordinarily contain them.
What Steps can I take?
For Dogs
-Prepare early.
• Talk to your vet about the treatment options available for managing noise phobias – ask them about any new treatment options.
• Take your dog out for exercise before the fireworks start e.g. reasonably long walk, then after a couple of hours you can feed a meal. A tired and well-fed dog will likely be less anxious during the night. If you can, stay home to be with your pet.
• Let your dog be with you and try to be calm and normal. Avoid fussing over your pet excessively but try to engage them in normal activities such as playing. Reward your dog for their calm behaviour, rewards include giving dog treats and their favorite dog toy.
• Close the blinds/curtains, create a comfortable hiding place and allow your dog to go there to feel safe, put on some music or the TV to help mask the noise outside, and distract your dog with games and food.
• Dogs who panic can choke themselves on a collar or lead, so never tether your dog during these times and never use a choke chain to restrain your dog.
• Make sure your dog is micro-chipped and that your contact details are up to date on the microchip register. Also ensure they are wearing an ID tag so they can be easily returned if they accidentally escape.
• Direct supervision is important to help prevent injury or escape. If you cannot supervise your dog on the night consider making alternative arrangements so your dog will be supervised by a responsible person directly or consider boarding your dog so they will be safe.
For Cats
Felines ought to be kept inside amid firecrackers shows. Most felines will discover some place safe to shroud and will more often than not wander out when the commotion stops. Ensure you feline is microchipped and your points of interest are progressive on the microchip register in the event that they meander and get to be lost.
Happy New Year everyone!
We hope that 2016 brings you success and happiness to you and those that you love. To find a great home log-on to To buy /sell a home we can definitely help you with that. call us at 702-318-7228
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