As the last few hours of 2015 wind down I look back on not only the year that was, but also on my career in real estate.
For many reasons I had to retire from work and to move on to my next adventure in life. I will no longer actively participate in real estate brokerage.
Instead I'll spend my time doing all of the things that working in real estate kept me from doing. Since I am no longer working, for the first time in my life I will TRULY be my own boss. I can finally determine my own schedule and do whatever I want to do!
Will I miss the work? To tell you the truth, NO I will NOT miss the work. However, I will miss the people. Along the way I have met many agents, brokers, clients and vendors. I always enjoyed my interactions with them and now I feel a little lonely. It will take some time to adjust.
Will I forsake these realtionships? NEVER. I'm still the same guy that I always was. And I have a lot more free time now!