My basic rule of thumb here is, let me do my job, I will let you do yours. I think the main reason why we don't get a long is because Realtors try to do our job in appraising homes. They try to supply us comps that usually are not comps. This is the main thing that I have noticed over the years. In todays market, comps are considered closed sales within the last 90 days within typically 0.75 miles of the subject property. Anything else that falls outside these 2 basic requirements are NOT comps. Don't give us active listings that have been on the market for over 150 days, don't give us sales from over 1 mile away when there is a model match across the street, and last but not least, don't give us sales from 1 year ago.
Please let us do our job, that is why we are licensed and attend more hours of schooling. And now, Fannie Mae considers us as financial institutions. So figure...