Located at 2200 Richmond Road in Williamsburg, Virginia, you will find one of my favorite stores Yankee Candle.
Yankee Candle is located on Richmond Road (route 60) a few miles west of Colonial Williamsburg. In addition to candles of every size and many scents, you can find candle holders, stuffed animals, toys, children's books and Christmas decorations. There is also a snack bar.
As you stroll to the back of Yankee Candle you will find Holiday Park which is a delight to all who visit. In Holiday Park visitors can experience Christmas all year long, with a choice of over 40,000 ornaments. Some of the ornaments can be personalized free of charge, there are all types of ornaments, Irish themed, professional, hobby themes gingerbread men, cyrstal most of which are made of blown glass.
There is a toy train track above the with an engine that is constantly circling the area. During the Christmas season, Santa is available and reads to childrean in one of the rooms that has lots of toys and books for children. About every 20 minutes there is a simulated snow that falls in this area.
If you are ever in the WIlliamsburg area, make sure you take the time to stop by Yankee Candle.