Technology is constantly evolving around us and we see it every day throughout our lives. Everyone has the latest phones with the coolest apps within days of them coming out, but why do our professional lives sometimes fall short of this. Maybe its because your office refuses to upgrade its technology platforms or it is just you. Once people become familiar with something they get tunnel vision and miss many opportunities from new software and technology that is coming out. I've even seen people talk about how great their new bamboo sheets are while talking on a Blackberry. Why do we tend to do things like this? I suggest that you learn how to embrace these changes as once you learn how to use them they will save you tons of time and make you much more money in the long run. Its ok, you can really let go of your rollodex and learn how to make yourself more efficient using tools.
There are many web based platforms that are available to real estate agents and if you don't know what they are, you are certainly living in the past. You can use these to generate leads, easily create useful web sites and much more. Just take a look at everything that Zillow has to offer for real estate professionals. They also have great support to help you get started. How could any business survive in a competitve landscape without implementing the latest changes in software and web technologies. I have a good friend at a staffing agency that has quadrupled his revenue with the same staff just by moving to professional staffing software from Bridgeware. There are opportunities to make yourself and your company more effective by letting go of old tech and embracing the new.
My only suggestion is to make sure you read through all of the features before giving it a try to make sure it suits all of your needs. There is no point in settling for a specific software as there are plenty out there with one certainly made to do everything that you need.