What a January, this has been, so far! All but, two of my listings, are under deposit! Yes, our weather has played a positive factor on the activity. Along with low interest rates and low home prices. Everyone knows this is so good to be true! Many people are taking advantage of the low mortgage rates, because the rental properties cost so much more! Who ever thought that would happen?!
I have been very privileged to meet some lovely families and to assist them to find their new homes. I know that soon, they will begin enjoying their new surroundings. They may paint or change the carpeting, but, the homes will become a source of joy for years to come.
Timing is everything! Let's get together, soon!
My Sellers, have mostly, moved out of state, while others purchased another home, nearby. Some retired, others moved because of their financial or job situation.
People will always be moving. Families may grow and need more space. Some to be near family, others for a job transfer. People moving here, to Connecticut and people moving out, maybe for the same reasons.
Please keep me in mind, if you or someone you may know, is considering a move!