
The Baby Boomer Rocks!!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

This generation is a generation that was the generation of love and peace and are now the conservatives of our of the 21st century.   There are alot of them out there and they are as I believe an untapped resource for our industry.

This generation has a plan and they are intelligent enough to have their priorities in place rather  it's to retire and move close to those grandkids or buy that RV and see the country. They know where their going, and have the resources to get there.    They can be high tech and old school at the same time, yet they are great to work with and very fun. 

So Baby Boomers Still Rock!!

Peace Out

Terry Mcavoy



The Baby Boomers are not only conservative, they are the leaders of the liberal movement that started in the late 1960s.
Apr 23, 2008 03:43 PM
Stacey Brown
ILM Realty - Colchester, CT
I happen to love baby boomers... My parents are baby boomers! My kids love baby boomers, too.
Apr 23, 2008 03:55 PM
Brian Schulman
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Lancaster PA - Lancaster, PA
Lancaster County PA RealEstate Expert 717-951-5552

The Baby Boomers are not just conservative - they are also the leaders of the liberal movement that started in the late 1960s.

(Sorry, I wasn't logged in before.) 

Apr 23, 2008 03:56 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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