Without the contest, I probably wouldn't have read the Community Guidelines as closely as I did. I am generally a by the book person, living by rules set down for me. I hate doing something wrong out of ignorance.
I have grown to love the Active Rain community. My previous experiences have been on Facebook groups, which can be quite snarky and many times incorrect in advice given. The amount of posts that clearly ignore basic rules frustrate me. I started to think that anytime you get a huge number of people in the same community, things will start to break down.
Not so as a general rule here. There is a genuine feeling of contribution. Frequent contributors aren't condescending in their comments to questions and advice is kept general or refers to one's home state, not general impressions.
I wonder if the difference here is that some cases, that since the public is able to see our conversations, things are kept civil. This measure of oversight works wonderfully to keep things in a more polite form of interaction. Facebook groups are protected from outside comment.
One thing I didn't realize until reading the guidelines was that recipes, jokes, motivational quotes or poems don't qualify for points. I hope that doesn't stop people from posting these. I think we need more posts with comics or jokes in them. Most of my bookmarks are recipes!
Image is from earlier this season from Houska Park showing our iconic bridges. Yes, there are two bridges there.