Prairieville | Ascension Parish
See the different home styles that Ascension Parish has to offer.
Prairieville is a census designated area in Ascension Parish and is an extension of Baton Rouge's sou then suburbia. This area is located North of Gonzales and is named after the prairie it is located on. Prairieville has had a significant increase in population over the last few years because of job growth in the area, great schools, and low crime rate. Currently the population is approximately 30,000 residents with more expected to continue moving to the area. This is more than the two larger incorporated cities, Gozales and Donaldsonville's population. This area has the location of the first Ruth's Chris Steak House which opened in the mid 1970's along Airline Highway.
If you are an Ascension Parish resident and want to know how much your Ascension Parish home is worth, contact Sabrina Didier at 225-773-2352.
If you want to learn more about the home buying process, read more here.
There are currently 220 Prairieville homes for sale. The median listing price is just under $270,000 which is a relatively high price compared to the surrounding area. There is a range of home prices for homes for sale in Prairieville, so you will have no problem purchasing a home in this area. The median price per square foot is $114. The median sold price for Prairieville real estate listings is approximately $225,000.
Read more on mortgage options for Ascension Parish here.
If you are thinking about purchasing a home in Baton Rouge but don't know where to start, contact local real estate agent Sabrina Didier at 225-773-2352 for a FREE consultation!
The schools zoned for Prairieville all rate 8-10 on the GreatSchools rating and have high ratings from the community. The assigned elementary schools for Prairieville are Galvez Primary School, Lakeside Primary School, Oak Grove Primary School, and Prairieville Primary School. The assigned middle schools are Galvez Middle School and Prairieville Middle School.
The assigned high school is Dutchtown High School
This school has an 8 out of 10 GreatSchool rating and a 4 out of 5 star rating from parents and students. There are over 10 art classes and programs offered at this school. 16 different sport options are also offered as well as 2 world languages. Dutchtown High School has over 1,900 8th through 12th grade students enrolled. This school is located at 13165 Louisiana 73, Geismar, LA 70734 and can be contacted at (225) 391-6200.
There are 4 public high schools in the Ascension Parish School District. These 4 high schools are located in Donaldsonville, Gonzales, Geismar, and St. Amant. 3 out of 4 of these schools have better than average mathematical proficiency ratings and all these schools have AP classes offered to their students. This school district has almost 4,000 high school students enrolled and attending school. Most of these high schools have a 4 out of 5 star rating from the community and have been nationally recognized.
Read more about Ascension Parish Demographics here.
Ascension Parish Real Estate
Want to learn more on the state of the real estate market and community information? Contact Sabrina to find out more!
There are currently over 400 homes for sale in Ascension Parish. As one of the fastest growing parishes in Louisiana, prices have risen in the area and are expected to continue as the demand for homes is quickly rising. Newer neighborhoods such as Oak Alley Estates are also being constructed to meet the demand for housing. These subdivisions feature new homes and residents love the lifestyle these neighborhoods have to offer.
Want to learn more on the state of the real estate market and community information? Contact Sabrina to find out more!
Search homes for sale in Baton Rouge by clicking here.
Thank you for reading more about Prairieville | Ascension Parish! If you are interested in buying or selling a home in this area, contact Sabrina Didier at 225-773-2352.
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