The New Hampshire First in the Nation Primary takes place on February 9th.
New Hampshire has the distinction of holding the First in the Nation Primary. It started with a small town farmer back in 1913. He felt he should have the right to vote for the person to represent him and his party at the national convention so he introduced legislation which was passed into law and thus made the way for a primary election.
Nonetheless, New Hampshire didn’t become the First in the Nation Primary until 1920 when State law required that the New Hampshire primary must be the first in the nation.
Although, New Hampshire has had very little snow this winter the First in the Nation Primary has brought an avalanche of political advertisements, brochures, door knockers, phone calls, emails, the media and the Candidates and their staffs.
As February 9th is just a few days away, I was beginning to wonder how to sort the fact from the fiction. I came across few web sites I found both informative and entertaining. They certainly helped me discern who was giving the voters a snow job and who was telling the truth!
One site is called This is a non partisan site which is operated by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. You can find a lot of great information on this site.
The other site I found helpful is PolitiFact. PolitifactTM has a wealth of information along with the Truth-o-meter TM which gives you an indication of the truthfulness of a given statement or purported "fact". This site is a joint project of the St. Petersburg Times of Florida and Congressional Quality.
One of the most important freedoms we have in this Country is the Freedom to Vote. Hopefully, these sites will help voters get the facts needed to make an informed voting decision and cut through all the snow!
An informed electorate is cornerstone of our great democracy! Become informed and be sure to vote. You can find out where to vote by going to this website. There with be both a Republican and Democratic ballot at each location.
Disclaimer : [IMPORTANT: Truth-o-meter TM and PolitifactTM are registered Trademarks - see PolitiFact]
Information herein may come from various sources, some of which may not be reliable and may change without any notice. Joan Whitebook does not guarantee or is any way responsible for the accuracy of the information in this blog and information provided is without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Information on this blog represents the opinions and ideas of the author; comments by others may not express the views of the author. (c) 2016 "New Hampshire First in the Nation Primary" BHG, The Masiello Group/Nashua 603.889.7600.