Mortgage, Refi's, & Real Estate Services
If you are looking in the Illinois area to buy a new home, refinance your mortgage, or obtain a loan for a new home, I am able to help you at a huge savings. If you live outside of Illinois, then I can set you up with an agent in your area that will be able to work with you to achieve your goals.
As a licensed real estate agent and loan originator, I am able to offer my services at a significant savings.
Refinancing can save you money on your current mortgage and lower your monthy payments. Furthermore, you can eliminate Private Mortgage Insurance if you've built up enough equity in your home.
If you've been considering buying a new home and would like to start looking around, I can send you available properties so that you can get this process started.
Now is a great time to buy because there are so many great deals out on the market and the sellers are motivated! So if you're renting, definately contact me so that I can start helping you get into your own home. Home ownership provides so many advantages over renting such as tax savings and equity building. You rent will only go up in the future but your mortgage will never go up, it only goes down.
I've paid my house years ago and I want to help other people achieve their home ownership goals.
Don't hesitate to email me.