As a realtor, it is always a good time to buy a home.
The facts today support, now is the time.
Jobs created in the last 12 months are up by 2.65 million and the year over year job growth rates are up 1.88 %. These figures alone are supporting strong consumer cofidence.
Interest rates are below 4% which makes affordability very high. The average price of a home is increasing by 5.1 % (according to Case Shiller) thus if you purchased last year your first year of interest was free. You must consider your own geographic area when making this evaluation on home values.
Fuel costs are down and this translates to less costly home energy costs and guess what, consumers interpret that as more funds available for their monthly payment.
Bottom line, the quicker you buy your home in this current market place the sooner you reap the benefits.
Happy Selling!