
Want to know the best real estate value in Phoenix, AZ?

Real Estate Agent with Service First Realty
I have always believed Anthem, AZ to be a terrific place to live and sincerely think it is the best value in the Phoenix metro area. In Anthem you have the opportunity to: 1. Buy a Lifestyle not just a cookie cutter house 2. Family Friendly community 3. Unmatched amenities 4. Golf community 5. Outlet shopping near by 6. Eight lane Highway in progress 7. 1 1/2 hours south of the Sedona and Flagstaff area Visit or contact me: Molly Trecek 623 229-4196 Take a tour of Anthem
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Jim Clevenger
Atlas Appraisals, Inc - Glendale, AZ

Molly, I am new to Active Rain but have enjoyed the site over the last few days. I have met several new clients and also use the site for a reference point on other topics. If there is anything you need in the way of appraisals I would be happy to talk to you any time. My company is one of the most professional and well respected appraisal companies in the valley. Hope all is well and keep blogging..... Jim

Oct 15, 2008 04:22 PM