How can consumers know you exist if they have no idea you exist? Pretty deep, eh? You don't have to tap dance in pink tights to get the attention of prospects; all it takes is dedication, hard work and a DSL connection. There are a sleuth of online sites that offer exposure and publicity...take advantage of this, be consistent so you can retire your pink tights and tutu.
1. Great a myspace account and use it to advertise your profession.
2. Set up a Livejournal account and blog about your real estate experiences.
3. Submit your site to free, search engine online directories.
4. Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree or Craigslist.
5. Create a Technorati account.
6. Try to gain exposure by submitting pictures to Flickr.
7. Create a 'lense' on Squidoo.
9. Create a Yahoo Group that revolves around your niche.
10. Submit informative articles to sites like Reddit, Now Public and Digg.
12. Add a link to your site in your signature to all the active forums.
13. Add a link to your site in the signature of your e-mail account.
14. Spread the word by telling friends and family about your site.
15. Put your site on all marketing material.
16. Spell check your site and make sure there are not typos.
17. Make sure your site is easy to navigate and user-friendly.
18. Offer something free on your site. People love freebies.
19. Provide different options for clients to touch base with you: Yahoo Messenger, AIM, Skype, MSN, e-mail, phone & address.
20. Ask people to subscribe to your newsletter.
21. Have a "tell a friend" function on your site.
22. Google Analytics tells you who is visiting your site.
23. Be the expert and answer questions on Yahoo! Answers.
24. Get an account on Linkedin and start meeting people.
25. Get all of your sites in one place at mybloglog.
26. Market your listings on Facebook.
27. Make a video and upload it to YouTube.
28. Put content on your site that you can download.
29. Encourage readers to comment on your blog.
30. Create your own social network at Ning.
You are absolutely awesome for sharing all this info!! I do appreciate it! How is your plan (hcg) going?
All the Best,
Yvette Smith
A great list but it makes me tired reading it on Friday night......I am going to bookmark you and work on this tomorrow.....thanks
So, my question is, "what do you NOT know?" seems like you know about everything? How do you have a baby and time for all this too? Thanks, as always, for sharing! Cristal
Fran- I can get pretty overwhelming...especially when you are trying to keep up with each site you are affiliated with. lol
Thanks so much for all the great information. It means a lot when other agents will share. Your article made me think about something my first broker said to us "Don't be a secret agent." You are so right, we have to get our presence out there and the web is the place now. Thanks!
Lindsay - heres another one for you ..... link to your profile, page, or whatever in all the links you just put up in your post IE do you have a facbook fan page you could have linked
ps FYI the facebook link on the bottom of the post did not work for me.
Awesome list Lindsay. The list for me will be a work in progress. If I look at the entire list, I will get overwhelmed. I have a facebook page, LinkedIn account and a twitter account. I can scratch those off!
Lindsay--I was saying yes going down the list, but you have put a few ones up I don't yet know about. So thanks for this list. Looks like I need to do some more work.
Hi Lindsay! Was just thinking of you and thought I'd drop by. This is a fantastic list you've posted. There are so many out there, and it helps to have a guide/checklist of researched, tried and true ones. Cheers!
Hey nice re-post. Great timing for it too. Awesome. There are some great ideas for newbies to get their presence out there. I suggested this since it has not be featured. ALthough, myspace is just not my cup of tea.. LOL!